A friend of mine innocently told a heavy set friend of hers that she doesn’t date “heavy” men... but then later started liking him...
Another girl I know, told a guy on the first date that she didn’t date guys with children, which he immediately revealed he had. She later regretted her words when she saw, months and months later, how well he treated his new girlfriend.
Me? I have a lot of criteria. But a major one, being as though I live in the entertainment capital of the world is that I don’t date “artists.” You know? Rappers, singers, dancers, actors, models, etc.
But now I’m talking to one. ::sigh::
He’s hella cool, Extremely smart (kind of eerily smart, I found myself saying “how did you know that?” at least 5 times during our first telephone conversation) and actually... I’m going to stop right there. I think I could go on and on about why I’m interested in him but I don’t feeling like gushing about anyone. That’ll make my stomach hurt. I think that over the years I’ve developed allergies to affection and feelings and such.
But anyways.... For the purposes of anonymity, we’ll call him The Dream (Radio Killas!!!! Ahhh Ahhh AHHH Yeeeeeah...)
He would literally be my dream if it wasn’t for just this one thing.
My stomach flips every time I think about when the time would come to tell people that I’m dating (gasp) an R&B Sanga! (more gasps)

Some may think this is silly but I live in La La land, THE most superficial locale in this nation. I can’t be expected not to feel pressure to date someone who fits the “mold.”
It also doesn’t help that here in LA there are so many artists running around with half-baked ideas of becoming famous that the mention of someone as an artist automatically conjures up all these unfavorable images and stereotypes.
Yet still, I’m deciding whether or not I really like this guy or if I’m just temporarily infatuated... I had to take a moment and seriously ask myself: Does what he does bother me? (no, not really) So what’s the problem? (What everyone else will think about it. I don’t know how I’ll explain this to other people) Do I really care that much what other people think? (....)
To be determined.

I am glad that you are learning not to judge a book by it's cover. Sometimes we cant get over the cover to see what's really inside. Congrats on being mature enough to get past the "Usher" syrdrome you have held onto for so long. Kudos!
Yeah well... I'm not so sure I'm over it yet. LOL
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